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State Executive Director

Headshot of Scott Halpin


State Executive Director

Farm Service Agency
U.S. Department of Agriculture


Scott Halpin was appointed by the Biden Administration to serve as the State Executive Director of the USDA Farm Service Agency (FSA) in Illinois in December 2021.

Halpin is the owner and operator of Halpin Farms and Halpin Farms Cattle in conjunction with his parents and brother. The family farm specializes in a row-crop, corn, and soybean rotation and produces alfalfa hay, silage, and an angus cow-calf herd. Halpin adapted conservation management practices on the farm to support the monarch butterfly population and improve pollinator habitats.

Prior to his appointment, Halpin served as chairman for the Member Services and Public Relations Committee for the Illinois Farm Bureau. He served on numerous Farm Bureau committees for budget, grants, and governance. As a member of the Illinois Agricultural Leadership Program Class of 2020, Halpin traveled to learn first-hand about international trade issues. He made similar agricultural market study tours to Vietnam with the Illinois Farm Bureau and to Germany with the German American Chamber of Commerce.

In 2018, Halpin served as a member of Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker’s Ag Transition Team and in 2011 was appointed to the Governor’s Local Food and Farms Job Council.

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